Thursday, May 23, 2024

Album Review: GENDEMA - sassy things

Albums like sassy things from Argentinian producer GENDEMA are the kind of work that can exist in the world without comment and still be adequately appreciated for what they are- an exceptionally chill drum 'and bass cassette with an understated penchant for ambient jazz. Electronic music producers are in their element on the internet, a place where they find themselves easily elevated within the algorithmic flow of streaming services to be welcomed by a receptive, plugged-in audience. People looking for the kind of vibe that GENDEMA is offering are only a click away from a copacetic gallery of vividly patterned ambiance- a breathable space in a digital refuge that is both immediate and near, and yet capable of transporting your very, very far away. I don't have to say anything about the reservedly graceful timbre of the album's clatter-clap beats, or its placatingly smokey, murmuring bass, or the transfixing brightness of its caressing synth melodies for someone to know sassy things is the kind of jam that will make their night. The cover art will do that for me! All you need is a glance at the splintered Tumblr window framing and the pfp of a Billie Eilish-phenotype chewing on a J to know where you're headed. Like any good piece of cover art, it's both advertisement and a preview of the album's contents- a comfortably dizzy, dissociative haze of soothing sensation transmitted through a quiet tumble of beats and bustling melodies ready to pad out the cognitive dressing of a productive evening or an empty hour of scrolling where you can be flush with the satisfaction of its own free-floating existence. I don't have to say anything about sassy things for it to achieve its ends, but when something is so perfect in its only little way, there is a tremendous amount of satisfaction that can be gleaned from speaking up to say so. 

Want more chill beat tapes? No Problema!