Sunday, September 8, 2024

Album Review: Channeler - Cliff Aster

Folks need to cool, chill, relax, vibe out, halt, desist, stop, and get down on all fours and whiff some flower genitalia or what have you... Speaking for myself at least. This is something that I need to tell myself consistently... especially when working towards deadlines and on my third pot of coffee for the day. I suspect you could use a reminder of this as well... Everyone seems to have a case of third-degree burnout these days. Here's the deal: I'm going to slip some chill jams into your headspace like a nice shiny quarter dollar in a claw machine, and I expect you to take the thirty requisite minutes it requires to enjoy said gift in full and do nothing else but soak up the atmosphere and let the ozone permeate. Don't give yourself the short shrift here; this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; seize it by the stems! Anyway, Channeler is an LA-based artist whose debut EP Cliff Aster submerges liquid-smooth and gracefully flowy breakbeat in a bath of quintessentially cleansing and anxiety-purging atmospherics that disinfects one's clouded senses like a saline mist for the soul. Its echos of natural splendor entwine and enrapture a percolating sense of calm as they are kissed by deep cuts of star-shaded sequences and time-abating, liminal territory-expanding, omni-orienting oscillations. Its heady pulse permits a sense of restful daydreaming, an oasis of ataraxia where a garden blooms, nurtured by some gracious source of internal light. An electric fiddler's green, realized in high-definition reality, in the here and now. If it doesn't chill out, the next step might be some muscle relaxers prescribed by your family physician... Cliff Aster has few side effects, although it may be habit-forming.