Monday, April 8, 2019

Album Review: Hitter - Demo

I’m staying getting through today by turning up local seek-and-destroyers Hitter. As way of a bio, Hitter are a Chicago rock band who are here to kick your ass, drink all your liquor, light your car on fire, and chew bubble gum. And as luck would have it, they’re all out of gum. Hitter is Lil Tits’ Hanna Johnson and Madalyn Garcia, Adam Luksetich of Foul Tip, and Ryan Wizniak of Meat Wave. They essentially combine the best (worst?) qualities of Fear, The Misfits, Venom, and Van Halen and manage to make something beautiful in its guiltless depravity. A Reader contributor described them as dirt-rock, a label that is close to accurate but fails to capture the damp, blood-lusting hunger the performances on their 2018 Demo embody. The Demo was recorded in an afternoon on a Tascam cassette for maximum lo-fi grime. I highly recommend “Betty” a sweaty carnivores thrasher on the hunt for its next meal, “Disco” a bluesy prowling dose of downer rock, “Fool Around” a slippery pounding jam that will leave deep, oozing claw marks down your back, “Letherbound” a Viking rock slammer with the taint of Misfits mischief, and lastly “Born 2 Rock” which channels Kiss by way of Midnight.