Friday, July 19, 2024

Interview: Tenmonthsummer

Having a summer? Yeah, same, same. But I bet your summer not as cool as mine! Sure, you're probably getting your brunch on, probably having tallboys and grilling down by the lake every weekend, maybe you've even planned a roadtrip with your SO... BUT have you gotten to hang with Chicago DIY band Tenmonthsummer? Well, there you go. Like I said, probably not as cool as mine. I have two ideas of how you can kick things up a gear: 1) listen to my conversation with Nish, Charlie, and Scumdrop of TMS, and 2) check TMS out on their summer tour! 

If you're not familiar with TMS, they're a relatively new DIY/punk band in the Chicago area with a great, unique, and ever-evolving sound. They only have a couple of singles, live takes, and other assorted recordings out right now, but they're preparing an EP that should be out soon. Details on that and everything else they have going on (it's a lot!) can be found in the latest episode of my podcast (attn. see below).  

You can keep up with TMS by following them on Twitter (or X, or whatever), and by periodically checking their Bandcamp page. 

Also, they'll be headed out on tour later this month! Be sure to stop out and say "Hi"! If you're cool, I'm sure they'd love to meet you.