Saturday, May 6, 2023

Album Review: Sepehr - Survivalism

Survivalism is a 2021 album from New York, New York producer Sepehr. It's a mini-LP (his description) that showcases the enterprise of making and moving to music as an act of perseverance. I've never made music, but as a music fan, and I can say from experience that music has given me something to hold on to during dark times when nothing else has. I have to hazard that this is what Sepehr is getting at here with this trim and evocative compilation of subterranean-sounding drum 'n base. That said, the release's tone is on the gothic and foreboding side of the genre, and if you were to hear it emanating through the hall of your apartment building late at night, you might be tempted to call an exorcist. Don't be so hasty! Survivalism is for the living more than the dead, and if you ring up the spirit cops on it, then you might just find yourself with one less refuge from the other, more maligned, things that go bump in the night (like actual cops!).*

Summon more sounds via Shaytoon Records.

*Disclaimer: I can not say for certain if Survivalism is an effective police repellent. However, you are welcome to conduct your own test and report back to me with your results.