Monday, June 19, 2023

Album Review: Mona Demone - S3rp3nt

Damballa is praised as the origin of all things. The great serpent loa is considered a wise, patient, and benevolent creature from whom all life emerged and from whom the cosmos owes its order. Damballa is like the ocean. A fathomless entity of profound dimensions whose gifts are incalculable and whose generosity is perpetual. They're both fierce without question, but their hazards are not what defines them; rather their roles in the cycles and circadian recurrence of existence. I see LA producer Mona Demone's S3rp3nt as a kind of ritual dance to commune with these primordial forces, to take their insights and strengths into one's self and learn to be a nurturing force for the perpetuation of life and love on this Earth through their tutelage. It is not always a simple task to move one's body, and it can be particularly daunting to do so with purpose and design, but it is the intention with which we imbue our actions that makes us who we are, and which gives us the resilience to pass the virtues we have cultivated on to others, like pearls along the beach, a path of tiny stars in the sand, small fortune distributed to promote future discoveries and fund the construction of a new Atlantis. 

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